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Can I order lower than MOQ?

Unfortunately no. Low MOQ will be hard for us to fulfill a wholesale order, please check below our MOQ rules.

Our MOQ is $888 across multiple brands, as long as this abides by below;

  • MOQ is $888 total
  • Box quantity is 10pcs per SKU (every product minimum of 10)
  • Stock status no longer matters!

If your item is out of stock, we can still order this in for you. Please note this CAN now be included in the $888 total MOQ.

Please note however there are some select brands that always have either an MOQ or box quantity MOQ no matter what stock levels e.g. Lador, Elizavecca, Purito etc. Please visit https://www.baifumei.co.uk/pages/helphq#/collection/3400/article/13584 to check the affacted brands.

You can check MOQs by adding any items to our cart. Any issues with MOQ will result in an error message.

Since this is already so low we cannot lower any more.

If you already have a wholesale account, Login here.
If you do not have one you can Sign Up.
To check wholesale prices, sign up, log in and pricing will appear.
If not please contact us so we can approve your account.

Site Update and Usability Issues: We’re Here to Assist ⚠️⚠️

Due to a recent site update, you may need to log in again or reset your password. We apologize for the inconvenience. All your info and order history remain secure in your account.We’re aware the site may not be working as expected. Please contact us via live chat for immediate help. Our team can assist with manual Purchase Orders (POs).