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Shipment 1


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Quick Answers to Common Tracking Questions

Why do the tracking results show a different town or city than the one I ordered to?

The destinations shown on Baifumei.com tracking results are based on the location of the Service Station providing the pickup or delivery. Rest assured, your shipment is being delivered to the destination provided by you when you completed the waybill for your shipment(s).

Can I change the shipping address after I've placed an order?

Once you place your order, the shipping address can be changed before our warehouse dispatches your order. To amend the details, please contact our customer service team as soon as possible. However, please note that once an order is shipped, it is not possible to change the shipping address.

Can I track multiple shipments simultaneously?

Yes, you can track multiple shipments simultaneously using our tracker. Simply select each of the shipment boxes to view the status of each part of your order.

What do different tracking statuses mean?

Different tracking statuses signify various stages of your shipment's journey. For example: "Est Arr Port of Unloading / Est Arrival at X / Confirmed on Board" indicates that your shipment is moving by air through our network. You will receive courier updates as soon as it lands and is cleared.
Shipment has departed from a DHL / DPD facility / Processed at X / Shipment information received" indicates that your shipment is now in the final courier network and will be delivered shortly.

Can I view the estimated delivery date and time for my shipment?

Yes, at the top of the tracking page, you will find an estimated delivery date and time. This information will update as the shipment progresses through our network.

How can I contact customer support for assistance with tracking my shipment?

For assistance with tracking your shipment, please click on the live chat option below or use the link above to chat with one of our advisors now.

Site Update and Usability Issues: We’re Here to Assist ⚠️⚠️

Due to a recent site update, you may need to log in again or reset your password. We apologize for the inconvenience. All your info and order history remain secure in your account.We’re aware the site may not be working as expected. Please contact us via live chat for immediate help. Our team can assist with manual Purchase Orders (POs).